miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010



       Dyslexia is a normal transtorn of the reading that unables the correct undestanding of it. Althought, it is also known like a transtorn in the writing. It is very common that people who suffer this transtorn confuse letters.
       Some factors that can cause dyslexia can be: heritage, genetic factors, problems during pregnancy, brain injuries, emotional problems, among others.
       It is very hard for a teacher to determine if a child suffers of this transtorn. This must be detected by physologists, or another health proffesional. Some of the sympthoms that show that a child is suffering dyslexia are:
-Difficulty copying from the board or a book can also suggest problems.
-There may be a general disorganization of written work.
-A child may not be able to remember content, even if it involves a favorite video or storybook.
-The child may appear to be uncoordinated and have difficulty with organized sports or games.
-Difficulty with left and right is common.
-The child may have difficulty remembering or understanding what he hears, etc.
       If a teacher or the parents notice some of those sympthoms should consult to a pediatrician, a person in the school who knows about the transtorm as a psychologist, or a health professional.
       How can dyslexia be diagnosed?
 It is difficult to diagnose it, but the testing determines the child's functional reading level and compares it to reading potential, which is evaluated by an intelligence test and all aspects of the reading process are examined to determine where the breakdown is occurring.
       Is there any treatment to cure the dyslexia?
      There isn't a specific treatment for this transtorn. It depends on the child. However, an appropriate treatment plan will focus on strengthening the child's weaknesses while utilizing the strengths can help.

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